Shemale Ashley George videos of stocking assplay

Here are some Ashley George videos we haven’t seen yet, and they feature her wearing something we haven’t seen her in yet but is still very sexy – stockings.  Now I don’t know about you, but I think stockings add at least 2 points (on a 10 point scale) to the hottness factor of a girl.  So if Ashley George videos are normally a 7, these have to be a 9 based on the stockings alone.  With that being said, lets have a description of the video to try to help with the search engine ranking of this site.  :-)

We have hot shemale Ashley George getting right to it, working her tight tgirl ass with a dildo.  But shes wearing those sexy stockings, and some pretty hot shoes.  I don’t go to the mall that often, so I’ve never seen shoes like that before (I am sure they’re out there though).  They’re black patent leather with red soles, which is pretty hot since her legs are up for maximum shemale ass penetration.  Of course, when you play with your ass you have to jerk your cock at the same time, which is what Ashley George does.  She works her ass AND her cock, bringing herself just close enough to cumming that she can back off, get on her hands and knees, and work her tight tranny ass from another angle.  This new angle gives us a great look at her cock, as well as her tight asshole.  Be sure to check out these hot videos, and then you can watch more Ashley George videos, or check out her official site where you can get instant access to all her hot pictures and videos as a member.  Its definitely worth the admission fee, so be sure to check it out and some point, because you’re going to love what she has on the inside!  Enjoy!

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Videos of Ashley George and a beaded anal toy

Here are some brand new HOT videos of sexy shemale Ashley George and her new beaded anal toy.  She starts these videos off like she usually does, talking to us a little bit and giving us a sexy little strip show.  She shows off her sexy bit tgirl tits and her hot body, before taking off her panties and showing off her cock.  Then she gets on all fours and starts working her tight shemale asshole with her new glass beaded anal toy.  I am not sure where she got that toy at, but I hope she keeps it, because she works it like a pro!  Of course, it wouldn’t be complete unless you got all the hot angles, so she bends over so you can get a good look at her cock and ass and starts working her tgirl ass for you more.  Check out these hot new videos of Ashley George, and if you like them you can watch more here at the blog.  Just click on the “Ashley George Videos” link to the right and you can be taken to all the posts, or you can get full access to all her pictures and videos at her official site.  Enjoy!


Videos of Ashley George solo with her Fleshlight

Last time we posted some videos of Ashley George with her Fleshlight it went over pretty well, so we decided to post some more.  She just added these hot new videos to her site, so they’re pretty new.  I like these new ones because she starts off with a sexy strip show as well, which is great because its a nice primer to the actual videos.  Also, have I mentioned how great her tits are?  Seriously, she has one of the best boob jobs of any girls out there, especially shemales.  Her tits are nearly flasless, and her nipples look great too.  And her ass, thats better than a lot of girls out there as well.  Hard to believe that her ass can be that perfect, but she is hot.  Have a look at the videos below, and then be sure to check out her site where there are tons of great pictures of her nice tits and great ass, as well as 100% exclusive videos of her stroking her hard cock, jerking off with a fleshlight, sucking cock and getting fucked in her tight ass.  Its worth every penny, so head over there after the videos!
